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Change log :
- added ripping without freedb info
- tr has finally replaced dos2unix
- removed punctuation from encoding scripts
- general script cleanup in certain bits
- bugs squished
- mp3 encoding actually works
- options added
--spec will now create a cd2ogg.spec file in your current directory
- added a few extra colors into output
- options added
-G now disables any genre tagging
--list will perform a cddb lookup and display disc information
- features added
- 'various artists' albums will now tag the individual tracks with
the proper artist name as long as the freedb data is properly
formatted (Artist / Song) and the main artist listed is 'Various'
or 'various'. If the main artist isn't listed as Various then
you can use "-a Various" to override
- bugs squished
- the new oggenc doesn't like the way i was adding comments and
would complain about multiple output files specified. fixed
3.0 (the "i can't believe it's been a year and a half" release) :
- changed options to more logical options, these probably won't
change again for the life of cd2ogg
- a few small bugs were squished
- checking genre against lame list to ensure lame won't freak out
- "&" or "/" in the track information (cd, artist and track)
- abilities added
- flac encoding (with optional ogg transport wrapper)
- abilities dropped
- interactive mode
- gnome/zenity integration
- options added (subject to change by 3.0 release)
--flac encodes files as flac
-g now specifies a custom genre
-M now specifies a custom location for mass encoding scripts
--daemon will set the script into a quiet mode to encode scripts in
the background
- options changed into other options (may change by 3.0 final release)
--enc is now used for mass encoding (was -g)
--ogg now specifies 'encode as ogg' (was default)
--mp3 now specifies 'encode as mp3' (was -3)
-d is now used to specify the cdrom device (was -u)
-y is now used to change the year (was -d)
-q is now used to select a custom freedb server (was -o)
-s now specifies BOTH the storage directory and file name
--info is now used to show your current settings
--save is now used to save your current settings
- options dropped (subject to change by 3.0 release)
--inter went away with simplification
--zbge went away with simplification
--zenc went away with simplification
--xterm went away with simplification
- other changes
- more verbose description of output format
2.4.18 :
- bug fixes
- typo messed up track numbering in id3 for lame encoded tracks
2.4.16 :
- changes
- curl is used instead of wget
- bug fixes
- zenity popup handles multi-matches better
2.4.14 :
- options modified
--zenc now shows the CD name in the tooltip
2.4.12 :
- installation
- installation script now checks for needed packages in fedora and
- options added
--version shows the version of cd2ogg you're running
- options modified
--zenc now has an option to play CD via gnome-cd
-3 for mp3 encoding can now be saved as default codec
- options changed
-i is now --inter for interactive mode
2.4.10 :
- preliminary point and click work
- options added
- gnome integration
--zbge will put cd2ogg into the background until it detects
encoding scripts and then places an icon in the
notification tray
--zenc places an icon in the system tray prompting you to encode a
CD when inserted
2.4.8 :
- options added (none are available in interactive mode)
-v enables error correcting (on by default)
-V disables error correcting (massive speed increase)
- encoding bis, _new transistor heroes_ on amd 64 3200+
- paranoia : 24m 55s (no normalize)
- no paranoia : 08m 04s (no normalize)
-3 encodes as mp3 instead of ogg
--xterm starts up cd2ogg in an xterm
- now the default behavior when called from menu items
- options removed
- -x is now covered by --xterm
- ~/.cd2oggrc is now known as ~/.cd2ogg/cd2ogg_config
- ~/.cd2ogg_history is now known as ~/.cd2ogg/cd2ogg_history
- changed the way the mass encode scripts work
- normalize runs BEFORE encoding, giving you a more even result
- only remove the source .wav file after a successful encoding
- mass encode script removes itself, cd2ogg doesn't
- this allows easy integration with external mechanisms
- if $cd2ogg_quiet is set, we won't output our status
- minor stuff
- changed find statement to get rid of notice in fedora core 4
- install script update (Cyrille Bagard )
- now you have the option to specify the base dir for all other
installation options (/usr/local vs. /usr)
- bug squishes
- detects debian and runs normalize-audio instead of normalize
2.4.6 :
- options modified
- mass ripping now creates a seperate script for each track
- this will be better utilized in the future by the daemon mode
- functions added
- an ~/.cd2ogg_history file will now be created that lists the
freedb CD signatures of the cds you've processed
- this will be utilized by the future automatic CD collection
website creation mode
- disable this by sym-linking /dev/null to this file
CD ~ && ln -s /dev/null .cd2ogg_history
- bug fixes
- $whoami and $hostname were called by functions before they were
- bugs fixed by cd2ogg users! whoot!
- long track names (Cyrille Bagard )
- where a long track name takes up multiple lines in a freedb info
file became truncated
- man page (Hurlin Clément )
- man page did not render properly in kde help browser
- README re-worded slightly
2.4.4 :
- options modified
- --readme no longer displays options nor change log
- re-organized and cleaned up the README
- fixed issue with "s in filename, changed to ''
2.4.2 :
- options added
--changelog displays the change log
- options modified
-t now can be used for multiple tracks
--readme only paginates when in interactive mode
2.4.1 :
- fixed an order issue when writing the cd_info.txt file
2.4 :
- options added
-a specifies a custom artist name
-c specifies a custom CD name
-d specifies a custom CD release year
-f specifies a custom CD storage dir
-H shows help with examples
-k for fixed/managed bitrate encoding
-l lo-fi mono encoding
-o now specifies the custom cddb server
-r now tells the script to replace spaces and capital letters
-u now specifies the custom cdrom device
-z your command line options will be saved as the default setting
--readme views the notes for the script
--license views the license for this script
- options added that turn off possible defaults
-J prevents ejecting the cdrom drive
-K prevents fixed bitrate encoding
-L prevents lo-fi mono encoding
-N prevents normalization
-P prevents use of a http proxy
-R prevents replacement of spaces and capital letters
-W do not leave the source .wav after encoding
- options removed
-r to just rip a CD without encoding. I needed a flag (i ran out)
and -m did the same thing with a prompt, and you can CTRL-C out
- installation script now available in .tar.gz
- also builds normalize & cd-discid if needed and gcc is present
- inclusion of man page, menu items and icons.
- no longer prompted to configure if ~/.cd2ogg is not found, the
defaults will be used. the user is notified to configure with -i
- track length is now computed and displayed while ripping/encoding
- less output when no options are specified
- fixed a goof with mass rip where you won't be verbally prompted for
the next CD if you were already notified for the previous cd
- in interactive mode, 'z' replaced 'c' to save config
- simpler output when executing batch encode scripts
- combined README and license info into script
- incorporated new flags into the interactive menu
- creation of .m3u playlists
- interactive mode doesn't require a carriage return when selecting
an option
- reordered the actions so you weren't prompted about missing
dependencies unless you're attempting to perform an operation
- added examples to README and -H help
- changed verbage in help to be more clear
- fixed problems with / in track names by replacing it with \
- mass rip & custom artist/album/dat conflict, no longer permitted
- typo corrections
- supplied .spec file for cd2ogg with .tar.gz release
2.2 :
- options added
-b specifies the bitrate to use
-d specifies the cdrom device to use
-e rips and encodes the track
-f use a custom cddb server
-i go into an simplistic menu system
-j eject cdrom drive upon completion
-n to normalize tracks
-p use a custom proxy server
-s save your music in an alternate directory
-w leaves the source .wav file after encoding
-y displays your current configuration
- menu system added
- gnome and kde icons added for menu system
- screen information is now color coded
blue : notice
green : question
red : error or problem detected
- now uses cd-discid for disc identification
- now theoretically compatible with any *nix variant
(only linux has been tested)
- now uses getopts for more complex flags, so the command line
cd2ogg -e -n -w
can now be run as
cd2ogg -enw
- temporary file usage moved from ~/.cd2ogg to /tmp/cd2ogg-$USER
(this allows tmpwatch to clean out old files when it's time)
- x-window pausing works alot better and more regularly
- cleaned up the script and made it more flexible
- removed beep because it was more flash than function
2.1 :
- configures itself to your preferences upon initial run
(no more editing script to change preferences)
- gnome and kde icons in the menus
- updates the title of the window with disc info
- first one released with rpm support
- released with yum/apt repository
- uses the beep program for more interesting aural notification
2.0 :
- CD rip streams directly to ogg encoding
- faster 'from cd-to-ogg' conversion
- cleaner output to screen
- lower disk space usage (no temporary .wav file anymore)
- mass rip mode. creates scripts for encoding and comments
- option to run mass rip scripts and delete them upon completion
- minimized output to make things cleaner looking
- alerts you to errors, but only at predetermined error counts
- cleaned up output
- added single track ability
- support of proxies for freedb CD info lookups
- displays time to rip and encode a track
- displays time to complete entire operation
- fixed issues with funky characters in track names (bjork albums/etc)
- checks to see if you have all the prerequisite executables
- cdda2wav is no longer suported
1.3 :
- first public release (gpl)
- oggenc now adds track information to ogg files
- added ability to mass rip cds to .wav only
- added -h flag to bring up help
- compiled discid for redhat 9 so you don't have to!
1.2 :
- changed CD extractor to cdparanoia (friendlier output)
- cdda2wav is still available, you need to uncomment the line
and comment out cdparanoia
1.1.1 :
- added ability to handle inexact cddb disc matches
1.1 :
- added ability to handle multiple cddb disc matches
1.0 :
- initial release
- basic cddb functionality and ripping/encoding
cd2ogg (c) 2002-2025 Duncan Brown (cd2ogg