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 cd2ogg 3.3 :: (c) 2010 Duncan Brown (http://cd2ogg.sourceforge.net)
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 Command Line Flags :

   Actions (must specify at least one) :

	-e	: rip and encode the CD to ogg/mp3/flac files (previously the
		  default behavior, this now has to be explicitly called)

	-E	: rip the CD to .wav files for later encoding *

	-m	: mass rips CDs to .wav files for later encoding *

	-t #	: rip only selected track numbers
		    cd2ogg -t "11 12 15"

	--enc	: go through cd2ogg encoding scripts and run them one after the
		  other.  this is for use after the -m or -E option

	--daemon : keep checking for cd2ogg encoding scripts and run them one
		   after the other without any output to stdout.  this is for
		   use after the -m or -E option
		     setsid cd2ogg --daemon

		* - creates encoding scripts for later use

   File Formats :

	--mp3	: encode audio stream as mp3
		    cd2ogg -e --mp3

	--ogg	: encode audio stream as ogg/vorbis
		    cd2ogg -e --ogg

	--flac	: encode audio stream as flac
		    cd2ogg -e --flac

	--flogg	: encode audio stream as flac with streaming ogg transport layer
		    cd2ogg -e --flogg

   Ripping and Encoding Options :

	-b	: specify custom bitrate
		    cd2ogg -eb 192

	-k	: keep steady bitrate (good for internet streams)

	-K	: do not use fixed bitrates (may be higher quailty)

	-l	: downmix to low-fi mono encoding

	-L	: do not downmix to low-fi mono encoding

	-n	: normalize tracks (requires normalize)

	-N	: do not normalize tracks (does not require normalize)

	-T #	: skip selected track numbers
		    cd2ogg -eT "11 12 13"

	-v	: very paranoid ripping (in case of scratches/etc)

	-V	: do not use paranoid ripping (faster, possible errors)

	-w	: do not remove .wav file (with -m or -n) after encoding

	-W	: removes .wav file after encoding

   CD, ID3 and File Information Options :

	-a	: specify a custom artist name
		    cd2ogg -ea "The Lawnmowers"

	-c	: specify a custom CD album name
		    cd2ogg -ec "Fearless"

	-g	: specify a custom genre
		    cd2ogg -eg "rock"

	-G	: disable use of genre tagging

	-y	: specify a custom CD release year
		    cd2ogg -ey 2002

	--list	: look up cddb information and list it
		    cd2ogg --list -d /dev/cdrom

   File and Device Options :

	-d	: use a custom cdrom device
		    cd2ogg -ed /dev/cdrom2

	-j	: ejects cdrom device upon completion

	-J	: does not eject cdrom device upon completion

	-M	: specify where to save the mass encode scripts (from -E and -m)
		    cd2ogg -M "$HOME/cd2ogg_scripts"

	-s	: specify where and how to save files you're encoding
		    cd2ogg -es "~/music/ARTIST/ALBUM/ARTIST-ALBUM-TNUM-TNAME"
		    cd2ogg -es "~/music/ARTIST-ALBUM/(TNUM) TNAME"

	-r	: replace caps and spaces in filenames
		  call a second time to remove punctuation in file name

	-R	: do not replace caps and spaces in filenames

   Network Options :

	-q	: query a custom cddb server
		  NOTE: this requires the cddb server to use the standard cgi
		  cddb url (~cddb/cddb.cgi)
		    cd2ogg -eo "cddb.myisp.com"

	-p	: specify custom proxy server
		    cd2ogg -ep "http://proxy.mywork.com:80/"

	-P	: do not use a proxy

   Misc Options

	--quiet : suppress all output

   Saving and Viewing Settings :

	--info	: display your current settings

	--save	: save current command line as default
		  NOTE : this also takes into consideration your already saved
		         defaults unless you've explicitly shut them off with
		         the capital letter option associated with them

   Help / Documentation :

	-h	: help with all available commands and options

	-H	: more verbose help, including examples

	--readme	: view the notes for this script

	--license	: view the license for this script

	--changelog	: view the changelog for this script

	--version	: show the version of cd2ogg we're running

 More complex examples :

	Encode CD without normalizing, eject tray when done, lo-fi mono,
	managed bitrate, no paranoia, as mp3 and use CD device /dev/cdrom2

	  cd2ogg --mp3 -ejklNV -d /dev/cdrom2

	Same as above, but we're just saving these as defaults without encoding

	  cd2ogg --mp3 -jklNV -d /dev/cdrom2 --save

	You can combine the two above commands to encode and save settings

	  cd2ogg --mp3 -ejklNV -d /dev/cdrom2 --save

	Use http://proxy.work.com as a proxy and only rip track #12

	  cd2ogg -p "http://proxy.work.com:80/" -t 12

	Use the custom file name of "(TNUM) TNAME" which could translate into :
      "$HOME/The Lawnmowers/Fearless/(04) College Dropout.ogg"

	  cd2ogg -e -s "$HOME/music/ARTIST/ALBUM/(TNUM) TNAME"

cd2ogg (c) 2002-2025 Duncan Brown (cd2ogg @ duncanbrown.org)
Page last updated : Wed Nov 17 16:56:58 UTC 2010